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Deciding Whether to Have a VBAC

Many women who had a C-section in the past want to avoid having another one. A vaginal birth after a C-section (VBAC) can shorten their hospital stay and eliminate their chances of experiencing any complications associated with surgery.

Women who want a larger family can also benefit from VBAC because each subsequent C-section comes with an increased risk for infections and placental issues. 

An estimated 70-80% of women who try VBAC are successful. However, VBAC isn’t safe for everyone. Our team at Westover Hills Women's Health put together a short guide to help you decide if VBAC is the best option for you and your baby. 

What makes you a good candidate for VBAC

You may be able to opt for a vaginal delivery if you fall into the following categories:

Although VBAC is less taxing on the mother and can reduce the risk for respiratory problems in your infant, you still have to be in overall good health if you want to attempt it. 

When VBAC isn’t recommended 

Dr. Al-Hakeem may advise against a VBAC if you fall in any of the following categories:

A VBAC calculator can also shed some light on whether your body can handle a vaginal delivery. 

Learn more about VBAC

Although reading up on the risks of VBAC can be beneficial, only a medical professional with access to your medical history can determine whether you’re a good candidate for VBAC or not. 

Some women may have to opt for a repeat C-section if the state of their health doesn’t allow them to give birth vaginally. But if you’re an overall healthy individual and haven’t experienced delivery complications in the past, VBAC can reduce your recovery time as well as lower your risk for infections and blood loss.

If you live near San Antonio, Texas, and want to find out if you’re a good candidate for VBAC, contact us to schedule an appointment and receive expert advice.

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