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Not Pregnant Yet? When You Should See a Doctor

Having a baby is a major life event, and to ensure your health and the health of your baby, you need regular visits with a doctor. Since over 50% of pregnancies are unintended, you could be pregnant before you even know it. Be prepared by seeing a doctor before you get pregnant. 

You want to establish a relationship with an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) that you can be with from the beginning. In the San Antonio area, Dr. Houmam Al-Hakeem is a skilled OB/GYN who will be by your side every step of the way, offering excellent guidance and top-notch care for you and your baby.

Being pregnant takes a toll on your body, so it’s important to establish a relationship with an OB/GYN before you even get pregnant. Doing so allows your doctor to get baseline readings on what is normal for your body before you go through the changes of pregnancy. An OB/GYN also helps ensure your body is ready for a healthy pregnancy and prepares you for the stages of your pregnancy. 

General Health

You need to be as healthy as you can be in order to have a healthy baby. At your first appointment, Dr. Al-Hakeem completes a physical examination and takes down your health history, including your current medications list. 

He determines if you have any health conditions that might make it difficult for you to become pregnant or cause problems once you’re pregnant, and develops a treatment plan to address those conditions.

Dr. Al-Hakeem also reviews your immunization history and determines if you need any vaccines before you become pregnant. Your immune system can be weakened during pregnancy, so it’s important to be up to date on vaccines like the flu shot. Once you are pregnant, you can’t take any live vaccines, so it’s best to get them in advance.

Gynecological Health

Your gynecological health is very important to having a healthy baby. Dr. Al-Hakeem talks to you about your gynecological health history, including any previous pregnancies or miscarriages you’ve had. In addition, he can order sexually transmitted disease tests to determine if you have any conditions that may affect your pregnancy or your baby’s health.


Proper nutrition can have a big effect on your health during pregnancy, and on the health of your baby. Through a physical examination and lab testing, Dr. Al-Hakeem will determine if you have any nutritional problems that need to be resolved before you become pregnant. If necessary, he recommends diet changes and suggests supplements and vitamins that will help ensure your body is ready for the challenges of pregnancy. 

Lifestyle changes

Dr. Al-Hakeem will ask questions about your lifestyle, such as diet, smoking, drinking, and exercise, and suggest any needed changes. The doctor can offer resources that can help you quit smoking, get more exercise, or any other assistance you require. He can also help identify if you have any hazards in your home or work life that might cause difficulties for your pregnancy. 


There are a lot of changes that will happen to your body once you are pregnant, and they will happen very quickly. Dr. Al-Hakeem is a highly experienced obstetrician-gynecologist who takes the time to explain what you can expect during the stages of pregnancy. He helps calm any anxiety you may have by helping you understand what is normal and what might be a cause for concern.

If you want to become pregnant in the future, now is the time to establish a relationship with an OB/GYN. In the San Antonio area, Dr. Al-Hakeem is a top-notch, experienced OB/GYN who helps you have a healthy pregnancy right from the start. Call or click to set up an appointment today! 

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