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4 Signs of Bacterial Vaginosis

4 Signs of Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that occurs when bacterial levels in your vagina become unbalanced. Although it is a very common condition, it is not one you should ignore, because it can cause trouble if left untreated.

For example, bacterial vaginosis can make it more likely that you will develop a sexually transmitted disease. It can also increase your likelihood of getting pelvic inflammatory disease, which is an infection of your reproductive organs that can lead to infertility.

And if you are or become pregnant, bacterial vaginosis can raise the risk of certain pregnancy complications. These include premature birth and low birthweight. Fortunately, bacterial vaginosis is easily treated.

Board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist Houmam Al-Hakeem, MD, and our team of caring providers at Westover Hills Women’s Health would like you know the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis so you can be on the lookout for them and call our office for an appointment if you notice them.

Signs of bacterial vaginosis

Here, we tell you about the four most likely signs of this common condition.  

Vaginal discharge

Some clear vaginal discharge is harmless. But if you notice that you have a milky-white or gray discharge coming from your vagina, you may be experiencing a bacterial imbalance associated with vaginosis.

Vaginal odor

Excess bacteria, or the wrong kind of bacteria, in your vagina can lead to an unpleasant odor. Some women describe it as being a fishy smell, particularly after intercourse.

Vaginal itching

When bacteria become imbalanced, itch-causing irritation to your vaginal walls can occur. Itching may be mild, or it may be intense. Itching may develop inside your vagina or in the area around the opening of your vagina.


Bacterial overgrowth can cause inflammation that leads to a painful burning sensation, particularly when you urinate. 

If you have symptoms

Have any symptoms checked out, because in addition to signaling the presence of bacterial vaginosis, they can be signs of other conditions, such as a yeast infection. We can perform a simple test that measures the bacteria levels in your vagina.

If you have bacterial vaginosis, we prescribe antibiotics to clear it up. Your partner may also need to be treated.

Care for all your vaginal health needs

Whether you suspect that you have bacterial vaginosis, want to be tested for a sexually transmitted disease, are planning a pregnancy, or need a yearly well-woman exam, we're here for you. 

Dr. Al-Hakeem and our team of certified nurse midwives take pride in providing personalized care for a full range of women’s health conditions.

To schedule a visit at one of our two San Antonio, Texas, offices, call us today or use our online tool to book an appointment.

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