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What You May Not Know About Modern Midwives

If you’re expecting, you might assume that working with a midwife is somehow going rogue, rather than trusting all your care to an OB/GYN. But that’s simply not the case. The fact is that your pregnancy and birth experience no longer present an either-or dilemma. Midwives complement treatment by OB/GYNs.

At Westover Hills Women's Health, Houmam Al-Hakeem, MD, is a respected San Antonio fertility specialist and OB/GYN who has expertise in both routine and high-risk births. He responds to his patients’ diverse preferences by incorporating midwives on his team to create comfortable and customized birth experiences. 

Midwives offer a world of support

Midwives follow you throughout the entirety of your pregnancy. Using midwifery services is common in much of the world, but America lagged. Yet over the past few decades, interest in using a midwife has increased. Many of our patients are now opting for this whole-patient approach to care.

A midwife is a highly trained medical caregiver who offers multiple types of support. A midwife:

Pregnancy is a lengthy nine months, and the changes your body and heart go through during your journey to birth are momentous. Midwives enrich and strengthen your care team, and this aligns with Dr. Al-Hakeem’s belief in a collaborative care model.

Do midwives participate in hospital births?

Absolutely. In fact, the midwifery team that Dr. Al-Hakeem works with assists in hospital births entirely. They bring a welcome sense of support and caring to women during and after delivery.

Studies show that births in which both midwives and physicians are involved aren’t as likely to result in a C-section or other birth-related trauma. Adding a midwife to your care team is a smart move if you want care that’s more mother-focused and less based on intervention.

Why the physician-midwife team makes for a better birth

Dr. Al-Hakeem firmly believes that midwifery and traditional medicine are not at odds. He sees each team member’s expertise as offering you the best of both worlds. You can enjoy a birth that progresses naturally, but also avail yourself of advanced medical care should you need it. 

Once you’re in labor, your midwife offers continuous support that’s a needed mixture of “you can do this” coaching and good old TLC. 

The power of teamwork

Dr. Al-Hakeem, our midwife colleagues, and our entire team have one overarching goal for you as you excitedly prepare to bring your baby into the world: a safe and comforting experience for both of you. If you’re expecting, call or book an appointment online at one of our San Antonio offices to learn more. 

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